Friday, November 30, 2012

The White Tail Collective

My life long dream is self sufficiency.

I have been a traveling jewelry artist with a long term goal of self sustainability. I have been involved with many various communities throughout the years that hold this sentiment close to their hearts.

My Cooperative Roots Community,expressing passion for Kombucha.

During my travels, I found it difficult at times to have all my plush Libran needs met. I desire to be around good people in a warm and intimate atmosphere. I need my conversational needs met without the use of alcohol and the drunk culture. I need healthy food. I love access to the internet, arts, reading and I love to buy locally. I would rather spend the extra money buying from a small business rather than a giant corporation. There were also many times when I felt the need to just sit and be warm while eating a great bowl of soup, a hot cup of tea while checking my email without the fear of being shoed away.

High Protein intake on the road dreaming of a better way. 


This got me thinking about a multi faceted business and what that would look like.

Due to an amazing turn of the fates, I was reunited with a culinary artist and nutritionist friend named Marcella Silva.

After a week of eating amazing food, reminiscing over old friends and talking shop, we decided to dive into this multi faceted business endeavor together.

Henceforth White Tail Collective was born.

We are starting small with Art Fairs and Expos, collaborating our Artistic and Culinary skills. We are working towards a grander vision.

Our mission statement is:

To promote a healing marketplace for the community where whole body wellness, education and conservation are paramount.

Here is a bit of information about our business.
Think of it as a year round farmer's market.

Facet 1 and 2

Farm and Restaurant.

Farm-to-table: Farm-to-table refers to a movement concerned with producing food locally and delivering that food to local consumers. Linked to the local food movement, the movement is promoted by some in the agriculture, food service, and restaurant communities. It may also be associated with organic farming initiatives, sustainable agriculture, and community-supported agriculture.

Our Farm: This is our mother-ship, where 80% of our fruits and vegetables will come from for our table. This piece of land will have: A fresh water source, Flat areas for building/gardening, Zoning for both living for multiple families and farming, a house that is up to code on a minimum of 40 acres. Ideally this farm will be less than 30 miles away from the table its produce is being served.
Rachel Lupis's Production: A Mutual friend and long time co conspirator of ours, Rachel Lupis,  has taken the reins for our farm production and will be working to create a beautiful and dependable farm-scape. Rachel will not be alone in supplying the table with beautiful organic produce over 30 farms in the surrounding areas participate in our trade.
Our Table, Marc Silva's RestaurantIdeally less than 30 miles away from the farm where its produce originates, this table will be what will make our farm a home. Over 80% of our produce will have come our farm or from local farms. Earnings will go towards equipment to upkeep agriculture and towards gasoline for transportation of our produce. Most importantly the table will support the table. A farm-to-table style Restaurant with a small seasonal menu specializing in world class pastured meats, local produce, hand-made cuisine, local craft beers and both local and world wines. Our menu clearly displays the different farms that provide their produce and meat to the restaurant including our own farm.

Facet 3 and 4

Classroom and Consignment Shop.

Self Sufficiency is our goal. We would like to weave this idea into all the corners of our lives. This facet has to do with sustainability on a community, independent and economic level.

Our Classroom: Students will be the seeds of the consignment shop. This is where we learn a multitude of new skills. From jewelry making to screen door making, metal work to business. We will have an artists studio, equipped with various tools, open to our students and to our community.
Sarah Caligiuri's Consignment Shop: As overseer of the consignment shop facet Sarah's desire is to supply the county with the most versatile and USA made shop to date. We are looking to line up artists and skill workers to fill this space with beautiful and functional supplies.
Beyond the Consignment Shop: The ultimate goal for this process is to scatter these seeds into the world. After learning new skills and attending the business classes, students will perfect their crafts, and at their choosing, become an asset to the shop and to their community and surrounding areas by supplying local goods.


We are also looking to potentially add to our table:

A Library or Used Book Store.
Out Door Garden.
Work for Food Program.
Full Bar.
Membership Options.

Thanks ALL for listening, if you have any questions or want to get involved please shoot us over an email.


  1. This sounds amazing! Do you have a location picked yet?

  2. Thank you! We are thinking about presenting yourselves in Arcata California. There are many health and spirit conscious people in this area. It seems like we may be a good fit!
