Thursday, November 15, 2012

Learning is Fuel for the Artistic Spirit.

Sitting down this morning with a hot cup of Yerba Mate. MMmmmm.

I've had the feeling for a while that I needed to expand my jewelry art. This is the nature of being a One Of A Kind Jewelry Artist. I always need to create something new and different EVERY time I make something. It is good for the customer to have a one of a kind piece and it keeps me engaged. I am not entirely new to the world of metal, but it has been on the back burner for a while.

So- I have been blessed as a jewelry artist to study under the personal instruction of the fabulous Kate Richbourg for 2 whole years. I also worked in her beautiful classroom and shop, Beadissimo on Valencia St. in San Francisco.That was years ago and I have not done much metal work since then with the exception of fusing. (I love fusing)
Kate recently came out with a new book.
These are the first 4 exercises that she presents in the book.
I had so much fun with this reintroduction.
This is just a gentle reminder to myself, the world and you- that learning new things is good for the artistic spirit and keeps things interesting.

Thank you for listening.

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