Hello World.
I am not sure how you found your way here, but here is a strong welcome with open arms for you to feel comfort in.
Thank you for finding your way here to this page.
Let me introduce my new blog.
This blog is for Artists, Fans of Art and Independent Business Enthusiasts who are wanting to be seen. In this age of internets, fast pace living, work, commuting...we forget to acknowledge one another as people. We forget to see one another.
This page is for us, you and me.
I am going to get personal and intimate at times on this page. I am going to talk about new creative insights, business, artistic techniques, color combinations, our successes, trials and errors...even my failures.
What do I want from you? I want you to share your art, web pages, visions, questions, experience, expertise...your trials and errors and, if you so feel the warm embrace of human connection, also your failure.
This blog is going to be for a wide range of artists, from people who are considering becoming business artists, beginning business artists, and veteran business artists.
This blog is also for fans of the small business artists. This is a special insight for fans of artists to make real human connections with us, the "elusive" artists. Let's start leaving the idea of the elusive artist behind, shall we? Part of what makes art so amazing and special is the intention and personal philosophies that we weave into our craft. Let's share this.
Our common thread: we all want to support ourselves and/or one another with our art the best way possible, with artistic integrity. Consider this both our training ground, and fuel for our inspiration.
Thank you for listening.
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